Goals for 2015

I want us to start off the year thinking about what we want the end of the year to look like. Transport yourself to June 2015, last day of school. What have you accomplished in my class? What have you created artistically? What have you learned?

My 3 goals this year are:

1. I have successfully implemented a class blog and grading system that works into my ceramics classes.

2. I have successfully thrown some really large pots on the wheel.

3. I have gotten to know everyone in each class and have helped guide each individual toward their goals.

Now, take a moment and write out some goals in the format I used above. Write them like they have already happened. Write 3 goals even if you have no idea if that’s really what you want to achieve. I want you to have something to work towards in my class. These goals can and will change, and if you feel stuck, just know you have to start somewhere. Maybe you just want to know what clay is and what you can do with it. Maybe you want to be able to perfect your sculpting skills. Maybe you want to find out what a pottery wheel is and if you can actually use it successfully.

Write your 3 goals in the comments section.