Three-Point Perspective City

  1. Draw your horizon line in the bottom quarter of your paper, and add two vanishing points as you would if you were making a two-point perspective drawing.
    photo 1-8
  2. Place one more vanishing point above the horizon line at the top and center of your paper.
    photo 2-8
  3. Begin your shape with the FRONT EDGE first. This line should be placed vertically and aimed toward the vanishing point #3.
    photo 3-5
  4. Draw converging lines to both vanishing points at the far ends of the horizon line.
    photo 1-7
  5. Draw another “vertical line” between the converging lines on either side of the front edge. These “vertical lines” must be aimed toward the vanishing point on the top of the paper.
    photo 2-7
  6. When adding details (windows and doors), all typical horizontal lines will go to the bottom two vanishing points, and the vertical lines will be aimed at the vanishing point above.
    photo 3-4

In your sketchbook:

Create a three-point perspective composition.

Must include:

  • Three buildings
  • Windows
  • Doors
  • Sidewalk




Two-Point Perspective Forms

  1. Start with a horizon line, splitting your paper in half.
    photo 1-3
  2. This time you will need TWO vanishing points. Place them on the far ends of your horizon line.
  3. Begin your shape (cube/rectangular prism) with the FRONT EDGE first (vertical line). This will determine the height of your shape. Place it near the center of the paper, but below the horizon line.
    photo 1-5
  4. Draw the converging lines to both vanishing points.
    photo 2-5
  5. Draw another vertical line between the converging lines on either side of the front edge. This will determine the thickness of your form.
    photo 3-2
  6. Now draw the back corners to the vanishing points on the opposite side of the paper (the right corner goes to the left vanishing point, and the left corner to the right vanishing point).
    photo 1-4
  7. Erase the leftover converging lines revealing your form in two-point perspective.
    photo 2-4

Sketchbook Assignment:

Complete this exercise (Due Tomorrow):
Create a composition that includes 6 different cubes/rectangular prisms.
  • Two above the horizon line
  • Two on the horizon line
  • Two below the horizon line
  • They do not have to be equal distance from each vanishing point. Some can be closer to one than the other to show a different angle.

One-Point Perspective Forms

Today we will practice drawing in one-point perspective with a geometric form. We will learn these vocabulary words: horizon line, vanishing point, converging lines, parallel lines, geometric shapes/forms.

  1. We will begin our drawings with a horizon line, which is a straight, horizontal line, across the entire page. Draw this one in the middle of your paper.
    photo 1-3
  2. Place a vanishing point in the center of your paper on the horizon line. This will be where everything will converge.
    photo 2-3
  3. Draw the front side of a simple geometric shape (square, rectangle, circle, hexagon, triangle, shapes found in math).
    photo 3-1
  4. Connect the closest corners of the shape to the vanishing point with converging lines (the lines that converge at the vanishing point).
    photo 1-2
  5. Complete the back side of your form by keeping the lines parallel (or going in the same direction) to the front side.
    photo 2-2

For your sketchbook assignment:

Draw a one-point perspective composition: Due Tomrrow

Must include:

  • Horizon line
  • Vanishing point
  • Minimum of 8 geometric objects
  • Converging lines made with a ruler

Composition must have at least:

  • two objects below the horizon line (bird’s eye view)
  • two objects on the horizon line (eye level)
  • two objects above the horizon line (ant’s eye view)
  • two objects anywhere

photo 3